Rangers Protocol Technical Progress in 2023

Rangers Protocol Technical Progress in 2023

Over the course of the past two months, the Rangers Protocol maintained its steady operation as the team concentrated on updating and repairing the mainnet, as well as developing the sub-chain’s products. This effort resulted in the generation of 37.9 million blocks.

Rangers Mainnet

In March, Rangers Mainnet experienced steady operation while the team focused on updating and repairing the network and developing the sub-chain product. The Mainnet successfully generated a total output of 37.9 million blocks.

Here are the specific updates and repairs made to the Mainnet during this period:

1. A main chain performance test report indicated that the scalability of the Rangers Protocol has not yet reached 100% under the highest TPS threshold. This finding suggested that the scalability of the Rangers Protocol can be further enhanced to become a high-performance and stable blockchain.

2. The team completed the Mainnet performance optimization, which was 80% higher than the previous version.

3. Functional development and testing of IP-3074 was completed, and code auditing was conducted.

4. The team further improved the code of IP-3074 based on the results of the code auditing, with the aim of increasing the ease and stability of transactions on the blockchain and reducing the complexity of contracts.

5. Refactor the chain data storage to enable snapshot backups of main chain data, facilitating rapid synchronization of new nodes to the main network.

These updates will lead to smoother data interaction on the Rangers Subchain and Rangers Mainnet, which will enhance the overall user experience when using Dapps.

Rangers Connector

Rangers Connector has been developed into a chain and merged with the sub-chain. A mobile version is being developed with a progress of 20%. In the future, Rangers plans to release a mobile application version of the cross-chain bridge, which will help users quickly enter the cross-chain bridge page for cross-chain transactions from anywhere, with more stable and secure management of their assets.

DApp Business:

1. Front-end support components for multiple wallets are being developed with an overall progress of 50%. To provide more details:

a. Multiple wallet front-end components have been 100% completed.

b. Multiple wallet components have been integrated into the cross-chain bridge and deployed to the dev environment with a progress of 80%.

2. Major currencies/oracles

a. Major currencies ETH/USDT/MIX have been deployed to the main network with a progress of 100%.

b. The security audit of major currency contracts has been completed with a progress of 100%.

3. Node management system

a. Node management system 2.0 is being developed based on the new UI and page logic, with a progress of 50%.

4. Delegation and staking system has an overall progress of 90%.

Rangers Sub-chain:

1. Product development (90%)

a. Rangers Sub-chain product plan process and modules have an overall progress of 90% since January.

2. Product front-end (overall 95%)

a. Sub-chain front-end page development has a progress of 90%.

b. Sub-chain browser front-end page development has a progress of 90%.

c. Detected front-end bugs are being fixed to optimize user experience.

3. Product back-end (overall 95%)

a. Sub-chain service back-end development has a progress of 95%.

b. Sub-chain cloud service development has a progress of 95%.

c. Sub-chain cross-chain contract development has a progress of 90%.

d. Optimization of the sub-network deployment speed by improving the sub-chain robin environment and main network environment.

4. Sub-chain and cross-chain bridge service (90%)

a. The connection function has been developed and is currently in the testing phase.

5. Sub-chain economic model (20%)

In order to protect the security of users’ assets and the liquidity of blockchain assets, we are comprehensively considering the links and parameters in the economic model. This includes the process of exchanging sub-chain tokens and RPG.

a. The process of exchanging sub-chain tokens and RPG is still under discussion.

b. Product requirement documents for building and exchanging processes in the new economic model have a progress of 20%.

Rangers Scan data service function:

The development of the function has been completed and acceptance has been completed. New functional requirements are being scheduled.

In order to meet the usage requirements of gaming and other business parties, multiple public data service nodes have been added.

The data service has adjusted its cache refresh mechanism. After the adjustment, changes in contract information (such as uploaded ERC20 contract source code) will be displayed on the page more quickly.

The statistical data based on the user dimension of ERC20/ERC721 has been optimized. This data includes user numbers, user-held token/NFT details, etc. After optimization, the data is more real-time and the calculation cost is correspondingly reduced.

The Rangers Protocol’s recent technical progress showcases the team’s commitment to continuously improving the performance and scalability of their blockchain technology. The team has made strides in optimizing the system’s performance and enhancing user experience. Stay tuned for more progress to come.

About Rangers Protocol

Rangers Protocol is the backbone of a Web3 engine for creating immersive Web3 applications. It minimizes the development difficulty for Web3 developers and maximizes the user experience of its Web3 applications. Rangers Protocol provides comprehensive infrastructures for efficient complex-app development, successful cross-chain and mass distribution, diverse in-app NFT and DeFi features, and more. Through its full EVM compatibility, strategic industry partnerships, and curated all-in-one IDE, Rangers Protocol supports AAA and indie developers to succeed in the Web3 world.

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