Rangers Protocol Progress Report, April 2024

Rangers Protocol Progress Report, April 2024

Rangers Protocol maintains its unwavering stability, generating 58.75 million blocks in April. The development team has been laser-focused on optimizing Rangers Scan and propelling Cross-Chain Bridge functionality forward. Here’s a closer look at the exciting advancements:

Rangers Mainnet: Poised for a Performance Leap

  • A significant performance boost is on the horizon! The team has implemented code parallelization for the consensus process and transaction execution, aiming for a stellar 50% improvement in mainnet efficiency. Functional testing is underway, with progress reaching a promising 95%.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Rangers Protocol is committed to providing a more accurate and informative experience. Nonce optimization is underway (50% progress), featuring pre-checking to filter out bad transactions and a revamped status view with pending transactions and records.
  • EIP-3074 Upgrade: Streamlined data analysis is on the way thanks to a revamped EIP-3074 payment service (50% progress). Each payment will utilize a fresh address, facilitating smoother data collection.

Rangers Connector: Expanding Functionality

  • Rangers Connector continues to churn out blocks, with a staggering 3,910,000 produced this month.
  • Integration Powerhouse: Bridging the gap to third-party infrastructure, the implementation on Robin testnet is nearly complete (90% progress).
  • Batch Transfer Efficiency: Cross-chain transfers are poised for a boost! Batch transfer functionality for ERC721 tokens is nearing completion on Robin testnet (70% progress).
  • Streamlined Authorization: Approving tokens for transfer just got easier with the fully implemented (100%) “Batch authorization, Approve For All” update.

Website and Data Service Enhancements

  • The official website is undergoing a comprehensive code reconstruction (70% progress), promising a revamped user experience.
  • Attract top talent! The recruitment page is now fully operational (100% progress).
  • Increased data transparency is taking shape with the ongoing transition to fully diluted market cap on the Rangers Scan Data Service Function (20% progress).

Rangers Protocol remains dedicated to delivering cutting-edge technology and a superior user experience. Stay tuned for further advancements as we continue to break new ground!




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